ASSERT Projects, Education, Empowerment Self Defense Education, Instructor Certification

Certified Instructors

[vc_featured_box heading_text=”” content_text=”Establish financially sustainable Empowerment Self Defense Instructor careers that allow Program Certified Instructors to earn a living wage and, therefore, dedicate their time to mission of Human Rights Equity, and Social Justice.” heading_color=”#184059″ content_color=”#444444″ graphic_color=”#ffffff” graphic_background_color=”#ffcd32″ graphic_size=”75″ graphic_shape=”circle” icon=”fa fa-id-card-o”]

Identify, certify, hire, and support BIPOC, LGBTQ+, Women and Girls, Trans and Gender non-conforming, and other members of underserved, marginalized communities in ASSERT Empowerment Self Defense and assist them in establishing programs in their local communities.

Intended Output:

  1. Certify at least one Program Manager Level and one Instructor Level ASSERT CAI per interested marginalized community to implement ASSERT ESD programs, per year.
  2. Establish a minimum of 3 regularly scheduled ASSERT Empowerment Self Defense programs, including stand-alone workshops and on-going classes, in distinct locations within the workable area of each of CAI.
  3. Establish relationships with a minimum of three CAI-local area organizations with whom CAIs can work to provide additional classes and workshops.
  4. Expand this network by a minimum of new 10 locations per year, and by a minimum of 1 new instructor to existing locations per year.

Intended Outcome:
Establish Certified Instructorship as a viable career path for community members and leaders.

Encourage innovation through continuing education, peer-to-peer sharing and mentorship among the network.

Increase reach and capacity of available ASSERT ESD programs within affected communities.

Increase influence of ESD Education across localized demographics – whether geographic, socio-economic, gender or sexual identity based, race, ethnicity, and other determinants.

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Donation Total: $5.00

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