Amplify Voices, ASSERT Projects, Community Outreach, Empowerment Self Defense Education, Leadership

This Is My Voice

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Provide CAIs instruction in and support for Legislative Action and Movement building in the introduction and reinforcement of local, regional, and national causes promoting community safety, anti-discriminatory, and violence prevention goals and initiatives

Intended Output:

  1. Increase representation from affected communities in safety and security, anti-discrimination, and anti-violence centers of power and influence by a minimum of 20% year-over-year.
  2. Establish, at least, two community members and CAIs as the expert voices in the fields of Community Empowerment, Engagement, and Safety through continuing education, content creation, and leadership training.
  3. Amplify community voices in local, regional, and national government, movements, and leadership roles in fields not previously not associated with Women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized communities.

Intended Outcome: 

In conjunction with Leadership and Content efforts, establish impacted community members and CAIs as the expert voice in the fields of Violence Prevention, Anti-Discrimination Movements, Systemic Discrimination Reform, Gender and Community Empowerment, Engagement, and Safety.

Increase the percentage of marginalized community voices in local, regional, and national legislative decision-making.

Increase the percentage of community members that believe that women, girls, gender non-conforming, and members of diverse communities must rise to positions of leadership.

Increase representation in community discussions about safety and security.

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Donation Total: $5.00

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